Loui Grandson - Can U Feel It ?

Loui Grandson Drops Off A Must-Add For Your Playlist

Loui Grandson describes himself as “just a dude from Quebec, Canada.” He started taking music seriously about 3 years ago. He was writting bars almost everyday. He says “They sucked big time and I did very little with my instruments. I've been surounded by music my whole childhood.” He has certainly come a long way since then.

The latest track by Loui Grandson titled “Can U Feel It ?” is a very unique track. Employing a very laid back vocal and eerie beat, Loui floats smoothly over it.

His cadence matches the song’s tone perfectly and allows for him to manipulate the beat as much as he wants.

Loui Grandson has definitely shown a lot of promise as an artist. Listen to the track below and don’t miss out on Loui’s moves this year.


Qua Bandooo - cAn u iMaGiNe?


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